The Korean Presbyterian Church of Jacksonville
856 Margaret Street, Jacksonville, FL32204
Elder Wonjae Kim-Sponsored Scholarship 2020
Criteria for The KPC of Jacksonville Scholarship
The KPC of Jacksonville scholarship will award scholarships to students, persons who need financial aids, who have a vision and hope in God.
In order to be considered, you must be children (youth, college students, graduate students, and single adults) of the active members of KPC of Jacksonville before March 2020.
Do not be considered: grandchildren, married children, person who got the scholarship before from the church, person who has full time job.
Scholarship Application Due: November 15(Sun), 2020
How to send the Scholarship application: by
in person: Elder Kim, Dongil
by mail: The Korean Church of Jacksonville (Scholarship) 856 Margaret Street, Jacksonville, FL 32204
Please text or email us if you have any question.
Elder Dong Il Kim (Education Department):904-333-6027/
Scholarship Application
General Information
Name of Applicant:_______________________________Year of Birth:__ _______________ Address:_____________________________________________________ _______________
Email address:________________________________ Cell phone:______ _________________
Name of Parents:_________________________________________________ ____________
Applicant's Signature and Date
Parent's Signature and Date